Our Services :
What Is Accreditation?
Accreditation is an endorsement of a conformity assessment body’s (CAB's) competence, credibility, independence and integrity in carrying out its conformity assessment activities.
In everyday language the terms accreditation and certification are often used interchangeably. In the conformity assessment industry however, these terms have very different and specific meanings.
Norwegian Accreditation (NA) is the Norwegian body for accreditation of:
Laboratories and sampling organisations
Certification bodies
Inspection bodies
Environmental verifiers (EMAS)
Accreditation is a means to establish confidence in the quality of products and services world wide, through mutal acceptance of results of services provided in compliance with relevant standards and multi lateral agreements (MLA) of accreditation.
NA is the Norwegian signatory to the EA mulitlateral agreements on accreditation (MLA). Through this MLA we are also signatory to the ILAC and IAF multilateral agreements.
NA is structured as a project organization, where accreditation projects and assessments are led by one of its employees. In addition, approximately 150 specialists from around 10 countries are consulted during the assessment work. Most of the agency’s employees are technical specialists with high levels of education and long experience
Benefits of ISO 9001 Certification:
Customer Satisfaction.
International Recognition
Enhancement of the Process Performance.
Continual Improvement of the Management system of the Organization.
Consistency in product and service
Compliance with Regulatory requirements.
Enhancement in the competence level of Employee. Enhancement of Employee satisfaction.
About ISO 9001
An ISO 9001 standard is one of the most widely known standards, which is introduced in the 1987 and implemented in 162 countries. The ISO 9001 standard has become the international reference for an Organization of any size or any sector to demonstrate their ability and expertise to perform.
Benefits of ISO 9001
- Meeting the customer requirements.
- Following the applicable regulatory requirements.
- Enhancing the customer satisfaction.
- Continual Improvement.
ISO 14001 is primarily concerned with the approach of “Environmental Management System” and with the worldwide growing concerns regarding the living environment, ISO 14001 is regarded as an organization’s high level commitment to environmental protection. This standard is widely recognized as a “Generic Environmental management System Standard”. This can be applied any organization whether it is small or big whatever its product or service.
Benefits of ISO 14001
- Reduced Waste and Cost
- Reduced risk of Litigation
- Improvement of Public Image and Reliability
- Settlement of environmental management system
- Helps to Protect the Environment from Pollution.
Ntional Council for Distance Education (NCODE) is a 'management educational institution assessment and certification body’ and established under the aegis of its parent body ‘National Council of Accreditation and Assessment’ (NCAA).
NCAA assesses and certifies the client’s management system according to the standard and scope applied by client. The scope of assessment is "Provision for Management Education".
Once NCAA is satisfied that the systems and processes are well established and properly followed, the NCAA commission issues the NCODE course registration letter to the Institution/College/University offering management education in distance mode and grants permission to use the logo’s of NCAA and NCODE on their website, mark-sheets, certificates, and any other official literature.
National Council for Vocational Training (NCOVT) is a 'vocational training institution assessment and certification body’ and established under the aegis of its parent body ‘National Council of Accreditation and Assessment’ (NCAA).
NCAA assesses and certifies the client’s vocational training system according to the standard and scope applied by client. The scope of assessment is "Provision for Vocational Training".
Once NCAA is satisfied that the systems and processes are well established and properly followed, the NCAA commission issues the NCOVT course registration letter to the Tuition Centers/Training and Guidance Centers/Institution/College/University offering vocational training and grants permission to use the logo’s of NCAA and NCOVT on their website, mark-sheets, certificates, and any other official literature.
National Council for Technical Education is a 'technical educational institution assessment and certification body' and established under the aegis of its parent body ‘National Council of Accreditation and Assessment’ (NCAA).
NCAA assesses and certifies the client’s technical education system according to the standard and scope applied by client. The scope of assessment is "Provision for Technical Education".
Once NCAA is satisfied that the systems and processes are well established and properly followed, the NCAA commission issues the NCOTE course registration letter to the Institution/College/University offering technical education and grants permission to use the logo’s of NCAA and NCOTE on their website, mark-sheets, certificates, and any other official literature.